Zaige Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The stratotype is located at 12 km north of Dazaige Village of Wanshoushan Hill, Yiliang County of Kunming (103o 08’E, 25o 09’N), and the reference section is at Xiaoliandeng-Gutuoshan of Songmin County, Yunnan Province. It was named by Bian Zhaoqiang in 1940.
Lithology and Thickness
Dolomite. This Formation is composed of gray and pink, thick-bedded to massive, crystalline dolomite, partly intercalated with shale and clayey limestone, containing a few fragments of coral Disphyllum sp. The fine-laminated calcilutites with fenestral structure are common seen. It has a maximum thickness of 750 m.
[Figure Outcrop photographs showing the tempestite beds incorporated by the pebble layer and thin laminated calcilutite (lower part), and the sedimentary cycle consisting of laminated and fenestral limestone (upper part) in the Zaige Fm of Zhanyi. Length of hammer 24 cm.]
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It lies on the Haikou Fm of Middle Devonian.
Upper contact
It is overlain by the quartz sandstone of the Wanshoushan Fm of Carboniferous.
Regional extent
The Formation is widely distributed at Kunming, Yilian, Songmin, Xuanwei, Xundian in eastern Yunnan.
It is reported to have stromatoporoids, ostracods, brachiopods and a few fragments of coral Disphyllum sp.
Depositional setting
It is interpreted as a lagoon environment.
Additional Information